
"As a State Certified Firearms Instructor and former Close Combat Instructor for the USMC, I feel DPTS must be one of the best defense tactical systems for current law enforcement."

James W. - Chief of Police

"DPTS is in my opinion safe, effective and most of all highly retainable. The fundamentals and skills taught in DPTS can be utilized effectively by most any officer regardless of previous martial arts experience, physical ability or stature."

Robert M.

"By both design and natural physiology these skills are easy to learn and use."

"It is a system that utilizes fast, simple to learn and use techniques that are effective."

Stephen B.

After just a 2 hour session with DPTS our department gave feedback saying:

"This is something I can do" and

"This was very effective"

"DPTS was able to provide our members with effective material and the confidence to use the material. This is the first time we were able to target all skill levels"

Craig H.

"Working as a hospital supervisor in CCU I was called along with security for a 30ish aged male patient that was becoming aggressive with staff. I witnessed a 60 some year old security officer restrain and hold the patient by himself for close to 45 minutes while the patient was medicated and extra help arrived to get patient back into bed. DPTS used minimal force to keep the patient and staff safe."

Stan S. - RN

"Having training and instruction in several different training systems, it is with a high level of experience that I state the DPTS program is extremely practical, easy to learn, and relevant for civilian, law enforcement, and military applications."

Brad R. - Michigan